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How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age

"Become meaningful in your interactions and the path to success in any endeavor is simpler and far more sustainable."

--Dale Carnegie​

How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age is a revisitation of Dale Carnegie's 1936 best-selling book. This update shows how Carnegie's timeless advice on developing interpersonal skills is not only relevant, but essential in the modern era. Despite the ever-changing world, the message of the book is important to business because people are the foundation of business. Whether face-to-face, over the phone, or online, it is necessary to remember the impact of every word I communicate. Reading How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age reminded me to approach every interaction with humility, grace, and sincerity.  


Humility and grace are a major themes in How to Win Friends and Influence People and for good reason. Too often I slip into selfishly complaining or criticizing others when things go wrong. Carnegie's advice of "burying my boomerangs" made an impression because it caused me to examine my own behavior first and be generous to forgive others. Instead of grumbling about small annoyances, I need to shift my perspective and recognize all the blessings in my life. When others make a mistake, I should first recall the many times I have fallen short and rather than dealing judgment, encourage them to improve in the future.


Building upon the foundation of humility, another idea that this book presented was authenticity in interactions. Listening with genuine interest and relinquishing the need to direct the conversation is a small way to show that I appreciate the other person. I could learn so much from every person I meet if I let them communicate freely. Even when I don't agree with someone, it is important to respect our differences and establish a connection on a common ground.


Implementing Dale Carnegie's advice, will not only improve my business relationships, but also affect every aspect of my life. By looking for the best in people and acting on their potential, I can develop a more optimistic mindset and challenge those around me to do their best. Using the principles in How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age, I hope that I can positively impact those around me by making my interactions more meaningful.

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