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"Pursue the things you love doing and then do them so well that people can't take their eyes off of you."

--Maya Angelou

My goals as a student at Texas A&M University are to pursue my areas of interest, prepare myself to enter the workforce, and develop as an individual and a leader. I seek to learn not only about business through my education, but also to understand more about the world and relate this knowledge to my future career. Through participation in student organizations, I hope to gain relevant experience and transferrable skills that will shape who I am and challenge me to grow. I would like to have the opportunity to study abroad and learn about different people and cultures first hand. As an upperclassman in the Business Honors Program, I will complete an internship in the marketing field. I am working to graduate with a double major in Business Honors and Marketing and hope to achieve the Loudder Medal of Excellence. After graduation, I plan to enter the workforce before pursuing a post-graduate education. I would like to work in a field that incorporates my passion for people and my love of design. 



"A goal without a plan is just a wish."

--Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Personal Goals


  • Read and review at least one new, non-required book each month for the rest of the year. 


  • Write a journal entry once a week for the rest of the academic year, in order to improve communication skills, as well record and reflect on my experiences. 


  • Maintain relationships with friends and family as I transition as an upper-classman.


  • Stay consistent in learning Korean throughout the 2016-2017 school year.

Educational Goals


  • Maintain between a 3.7 and 4.0 GPA by taking notes in class and studying course materials.

  • Earn my Aggie Ring by the Spring of 2017.

Current Events

  • Stay updated on global, national, and business news by reading news articles and websites.


  • Engage in a non-required event that will broaden my understanding of people, cultures, and the world every month of the semester.

Lifelong Learning

  • Complete a Great Courses lecture series during the 2016-2017 school year.

Professional Goals


  • Continue to develop personal leadership by disciplining myself and reflecting and learning from experiences.


  • Join a business-related student organization and gain familiarity with my prospective career field.

Work Experience

  • Develop skills as portfolio consultant and take advantage of the opportunities available through the Comm Lab.

  • Prepare for the Career Fair in Fall 2016 by researching the companies that will be present and improving my speaking skills.

  • Apply for relevant internships for the summer of 2017.

Spiritual Goals


  • Grow in my faith through daily prayer and reflection.

  • Commit to a weekly holy hour in the fall of 2016.


  • Become more involved in a church-affliated organization.


  • Find opportunities to serve in community and help those in need.

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