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Meyers Briggs Type Indicator​


"The more you know yourself, the more patience you have for what you see in others."

--Erik Erikson


Extraverted iNtuition​ (Ne) - Exploration

  • See potential and possibilities everywhere

  • Unquenchable thirst for knowledge

  • Seek originality and new ideas


Introverted Feeling (Fi) - Authenticity

  • Strong set of inner values and emotions

  • Compassion and empathy


Extraverted Thinking (Te) - Effectiveness

  • Sense of structure and logic

  • Organize and plan out ideas


Introverted Sensing (Si) - Memory

  • Remember and reflect on the past

  • Draw connections to history


Strengths Finder 2.0


"Find out who you are and do it on purpose."

--Dolly Parton

360 Feedback


"It is good to see ourselves as others see us. Try as we may, we are never able to know ourselves fully as we are."

--Mahatma Gandhi

360 degree Reach Feedback is an online tool used to request other people's perceptions of you. I surveyed over 20 current and former colleagues, supervisors, and peers who know me well. They anonymously answered questions such as what are your top brand attributes, top skills, strengths, weaknesses, team role and were allowed to leave any additional comments. There were also a couple fun open-ended questions as well.  If you would like to visit the website to learn more about this tool, the website is  

Top Brand Attributes:
  1. Sincere

  2. Energetic

  3. Extroverted

  4. Intelligent

  5. Supportive

Top Brand Skills:
  1. Relating to others/Building relationships

  2. Learning

  3. Communicating

  4. Meeting/Exceeding Success Targets

  5. Team Building

Excerpts from comments:

"Mary is very loving and loyal to those close to her; she protects them and ensures that they are successful."


"[One of Mary's greatest strengths is] managing her work and not appearing stressed."


"[Mary] easily relates and communicates with others in a team setting."


"[If Mary was a breed of dog, she would be] a border collie.  She's very smart while still managing to have fun and be playful."


"[If Mary was a breakfast food, she would be] oatmeal with peanut butter and banana. She's complex in a way that really brings out the best in people. Getting things done with her is like getting things done after a balanced breakfast, a lot easier and more enjoyable."

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